Micro-nano optics

Standard or Customization, At Your Will

yudi optics

Micro-nano optics find extensive applications in fields such as optoelectronics, biomedical sciences, and communication technologies. Yudi Optics offers a diverse range of off-the-shelf and customized micro-nano optical components, catering to your research and application needs in optical principles and technologies at the micro and nano levels.

alignment cubesAlignment Cubes >

Alignment cubes refer to the optical lenses that are used for precision measurement and detection. These lenses have very flat surfaces and are used to reflect, transmit, and measure light in optical systems.

Yudi Optics ReticleReticle >

A reticle aids in measurement or alignment,and it enhances the accuracy and functionality of optical devices, playing a key role in applications like microscopy, telescopes, and firearms scopes.

yudi productsStar Tester >

The star tester is usually made of a transparent film with a pattern simulating star points engraved or printed on it. It is an optical part with light-transmitting holes made to simulate point light sources.

Yudi Optics micro-nano calibration plateCalibration Plate >

The calibration plate may have a series of precise patterns, markings, or structures and is mainly used for adjustment, measurement, and calibration of the optical system or instruments.

Yudi Optics micro-nano diffuserDiffuser >

The diffuser is an optical element with a microlens array. Through the structure of the microlens, the incident light beam is subjected to multiple diffuser operations to finally form a uniform light spot.

Yudi Optics micro-nano micro-array lensesMicro-lens Array >

Microlens array (MLA) is an array composed of multiple lenses with the same clear aperture at the micron level and relief depth at the nanometer level according to a certain rule.

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